Key points to prevent hay fever
配信日時:2024/03/29 20:00
Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail【Vol.73】

During the pollen season, it is important to minimize the amount of pollen that enters your body as much as possible to prevent hay fever. Preventing pollen from entering the body not only reduces hay fever symptoms, but for those who do not yet have hay fever, it can also prevent the occurrence of hay fever.
In order to prevent pollen from entering your body, avoid going out during the daytime and in the evening when the amount of pollen in the air is high.
 When going out
- Wear a mask.
- Wear glasses.
- Choose clothing that is resistant to pollen such as cotton or polyester. The head and face are the parts of the body most likely to be covered with pollen. Wearing a hat can reduce the amount of pollen on your head.
 When returning home from outside
- To prevent pollen from being brought into the house, brush off pollen from your clothes before you enter the house.
- Gargle and wash your face.
 When staying at home
- When ventilating rooms, have windows slightly open only for a short period of time.
- Clean the house frequently.

■ Website of the Public Relations Office of the Government of Japan

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《Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail》