Be aware as fires often occurs in December.
配信日時:2023/12/28 20:00
Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail【Vol.66】

In winter, the air is drier and serious fires are more likely to occur. Know the major causes of fires and how to prevent them to protect yourself and your family. The peak season for fires is from December to February. Be aware of the followings.
- Make sure to extinguish cigarettes after smoking
- Make sure to turn off cooking stoves when leaving. Do not place anything flammable around the cooking stoves.
- Regularly check electric appliances and their codes.
 Fires from electrical systems are believed to be mainly caused by the tracking phenomenon or connecting too many plugs to one electric outlet.

(1) Tracking phenomenon: Dust gets caught between the electric outlet and the plug, and it sparks due to moisture, which eventually leads to a fire. Prevent fires by such measures as “regularly cleaning around outlets” and “regularly unplugging plugs and wiping off dust”.

(2) Connecting too many plugs to one electric outlet: If the amount of electricity exceeds the limit, there is a possibility of overheating and catching fire. It is important to avoid exceeding the limit of electricity by such measures as “using multiple outlets instead of concentrating on a single outlet”.

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《Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail》