Five points to check before using kerosene/paraffin heaters
配信日時:2023/11/28 20:00
Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail【Vol.64】

Kerosene heaters and kerosene fan heaters make rooms warm and comfortable, but accidents often occur at the beginning of the season around November every year. Before using them, therefore, check the below 5 points and learn how to use them correctly to prevent accidents.

- Clean up accumulated dust
- Make sure that the quake-sensing automatic shut-off device works properly. In addition, check that the combustion chamber is properly installed.
- Use fresh kerosene for fuel, and do not use kerosene from the previous season.
Thoroughly implement measures to prevent mistakenly fueling gasoline.
- Make sure that the fuel filler cap of the cartridge tank is securely closed and there are no leaks.
- Make sure that there is a sufficient distance between the equipment and surrounding walls or flammable materials (hanging laundry, etc.).

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