To the residents of Wakayama Prefecture
配信日時:2022/12/16 17:50
Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail【Vol.32】

◆ Fire Prevention
In winter and spring, fires are more likely to occur due to the increased use of heaters and other sources of heat. Keep in mind the following tips and measures to prevent fire in your home and protect your life.

* Tips and measures to prevent fires (10 points)
- Do not smoke in bed, and do not allow others to do so.
- Do not place anything flammable around the heaters.
- Do not leave a cooking stove unattended when in use.
- Clean dust from electrical outlets, and unplug all unnecessary plugs.
- Use heaters and cooking stoves equipped with safety features to prevent fires.
- To detect fires at an early stage, check residential fire alarms regularly and replace them approximately every 10 years.
- To prevent the spread of fire, keep rooms tidy and use flame-resistant bedding, clothing, and curtains.
- To extinguish fires at an early stage, install fire extinguishers and make sure you know how to use them.
- Elderly people and people with physical disabilities should always be aware of evacuation routes and procedures to be prepared for possible fires.
- Promote community-wide fire prevention measures by participating in fire drills, visiting neighbors door-to-door, and so on.

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I​f​ ​y​o​u​ ​r​e​c​e​i​v​e​d​ ​t​h​i​s​ ​m​e​s​s​a​g​e​ ​i​n​ ​e​r​r​o​r​ ​o​r​ ​a​r​e​ ​n​o​t​ ​t​h​e​ ​i​n​t​e​n​d​e​d​ ​r​e​c​i​p​i​e​n​t​,​ ​p​l​e​a​s​e​ ​a​c​c​e​s​s​ ​t​h​e​ ​U​R​L​ ​b​e​l​o​w​ ​t​o​ ​u​n​s​u​b​s​c​r​i​b​e​.


《Wakayama Foreign Residents Support Mail》